WOD 14/1/14: “Amanda”

WOD 14/1/14: “Amanda”

It’s Benchmark Tuesday again and this week we’re doing Amanda!

Part A:
EMOM for 8 mins:
2 x Snatch & 4 x Burpees

Part B:
15 mins to find max reps on Pull Ups

Part C:
9-7-5 For Time of:
Muscle Ups (sub: Pull Ups & Dips)
Snatch 60/35

Competitors WOD 14/1/14

3 x max reps Dips
3 x max time L-Sits

Back Squat 6 x 2 @ 80% 1RM

Met Con:
7 min AMRAP of:
5 x Thrusters 50/35
10 x KB Snatch 24/16 (5 x per arm)
15 x Sit Ups