WOD 31/7/15: “Blood Rush!”

Male runner up, Jarryd Godino!

Part A:

All Levels:

Snatch Grip Deadlift 4 x 6, across

Part B: “Blood Rush!”
With a 10 minute running clock, complete

4 Rounds of

4 x Squat Cleans 102.5/70

10 x T2B

In remaining time, complete AMRAP of HSPU 

With a 10 minute running clock, complete

4 Rounds of

4 x Squat Cleans 70/47.5

10 x T2B

In remaining time, complete AMRAP of HSPU

With a 10 min running clock, complete:

4 Rounds of

8 x Power Cleans 42.5/30

14 x HKR

In remaining time, complete AMRAP of Pike Push Ups