WOD 7/12/13: “Goodbye Catherine Street!”

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WOD 7/12/13: “Goodbye Catherine Street!”
Goodybe to our first home, sharing with Melbourne Systema on Catherine Street! Thanks for the memories! Now we’re ready to create some new memories from Monday at our new home on Dawson Street! Starting at 6am on Monday, our new timetable will be running at Unit 18, 9 Dawson Street.
Push Jerk 4 x 2
Pull Ups 4 x max reps
“Goodbye Catherine Street!”
3 Min AMRAP of:
3 x Deadlift 50/35
6 x Power Cleans 50/35
9 x Shoulder to Overhead 50/35
Rest 1 min
3 Min AMRAP of:
6 x HSPU
6 x Toes to Bar
6 x Lunges
Rest 1 min
3 Min AMRAP of:
50 metre sprint
8 x KB Swings 24/16
10 x Sit Ups