WOD 6/10/14: “Jian!”


This WOD is dedicated to our latest member of the month, Jian! Jian has been a member for a while now but started off by dipping his toe in the water gently and training twice a week. That quickly grew to 3 times per week and he has now become a full blown CrossFit animal training as many days as he can! He’s a great example of starting slowly and diligently developing his mechanics, performing these consistently and now he has added some serious intensity to his excellent movement patterns! He lives up to the CrossFit mantra of virtuosity – that is doing the common uncommonly well. He is a man of few words and a quiet achiever but now that his hard work is paying off, everyone is standing up and taking notice! Jian, I hope you enjoy the WOD and keep up the awesome progress dude!

Part A:
Back Squats
4 x 3 @ 90-95% 1RM

Part B:
3 Rounds For Time of:
50 x Double Unders
25 x Wall Ball 10/6
12 x Hang Snatch 50/30