WOD 28/3/14: “Box Jerk” & Open WOD 14.5!!!

Get excited for 14.5 and the awesome announcement with 5 former champs!!!

Part A:
EMOM for 6 mins of:
8 x Push Ups (odd), 8 x Deadlift (even)

Part B:
Push Jerk 4 x 5

Part C:
“Box Jerk” (last performed 13/1/14)
6 min AMRAP of:
6 x KB Clean & Jerk each arm 24/16
12 x Box Jumps 24/20
The final Open workout, 14.5, will take place from 5pm at the box on Friday evening. Bring as many people as possible to celebrate our achievements as a group of athletes over the last 5 weeks! BBQ and beers will be available and we’ll be handing out prizes to the winning team in the in-house team competition!!!