WOD 7/7/14: “Peta”


This weeks members WOD is in honour of Peta! Peta has been with us for a few months now and has made some serious progress in that time – she always moved with excellent form, but now she’s adding some serious strength to her technique. She’s been known to be a bit of a shouter during WODs, but we all think it adds to the atmosphere!!! Peta is also one of our resident super mums and finds time to fit in making herself an awesome athlete while juggling her other commitments – what a legend! Enjoy your WOD Peta and keep on shouting loud!!

Part A:
Back Squats
25 mins to find a heavy triple

Part B:
Kipping Pull Ups
3 x max reps

Part C:
For Time, complete 5 Rounds of:
8 x Ground to Overhead 50/30
25 x Double Unders